Ghost of Slaughterford

A novelist trying to cope with the loss of her husband seeks inspiration for her next novel and travels to the remote town of Slaughterford. She moves into the abandoned Rolph Manor, where she encounters the ghost of Victor Rolph, who committed suicide in the old manor many years ago. But much to the surprise of the novelist, the spirit is not a vengeful one and, in fact, becomes her ally after she discovers the residents of Slaughterford have dark satanic secrets of their own.

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Development Hell
A novelist trying to cope with the loss of her husband seeks inspiration for her next novel and travels to the remote town of Slaughterford. She moves into the abandoned Rolph Manor, where she encounters the ghost of Victor Rolph, who committed suicide in the old manor many years ago. But much to the surprise of the novelist, the spirit is not a vengeful one and, in fact, becomes her ally after she discovers the residents of Slaughterford have dark satanic secrets of their own.





Development Hell
Intandem Films
Neil Marshall
Ian D. Fleming
Axelle Carolyn
Axelle Carolyn





  • Several years after it was announced, it looks as though it simply didn't get very far in the pre-production stage. (6/5/14)
  • The feature film directorial debut of  Ian D. Fleming, who served as Second Unit Director on Neil Marshall's Centurion.
  • Neil Marshall (The Descent, Doomsday) produces and is also married to the writer and lead in the film, Axelle Carolyn.
  • Writer/actress Axelle Carolyn had this to say about this inspiration of the film "It was inspired by movies like THE HAUNTING and THE INNOCENTS, with a touch of THE WICKER MAN and Hammer films. It was also born out of frustration, in a way: frustration as an actress with the lack of strong female roles to play, and as a writer, with the fact that movies have, in the past few years, too often gone for gore and jump-scares instead of atmosphere and emotion."
  • Described as a "throwback to classic ghost stories and British horror."



A UHM staff member has not reviewed this film.


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