
When 16 year old Annie Tuttle takes a walk at her lake front home she spots a young girl standing on the ice covered lake. As Lucy falls through the ice Annie hurries to rescue her, and sees a figure at the center of the lake; the figure seems to shimmer and disappear before her eyes. Nine years later Annie is happily married to Jack Cole. Annie gets a letter which reads: “It’s going to kill you. Come alone”. The letter leads her to the Granger Institute and Lucy Talbot - the girl from the lake. Lucy explains that the GLIMMER will never let her live. Outside, Annie meets up with Gabe, the local deputy and a former boyfriend. In Lucy’s room, Annie and Gabe discover two pictures and a page torn from a book dating back to 1698; in them, the figure of Eldridge Peck appears; a man executed for being a witch. Meanwhile, Annie has discovered a link between the Peck family and her husband Jack. Annie must race against time to save herself and her unborn child from the GLIMMER.

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Development Hell
When 16 year old Annie Tuttle takes a walk at her lake front home she spots a young girl standing on the ice covered lake. As Lucy falls through the ice Annie hurries to rescue her, and sees a figure at the center of the lake; the figure seems to shimmer and disappear before her eyes.  Nine years later Annie is happily married to Jack Cole. Annie gets a letter which reads: “It’s going to kill you. Come alone”.

The letter leads her to the Granger Institute and Lucy Talbot - the girl from the lake. Lucy explains that the GLIMMER will never let her live. Outside, Annie meets up with Gabe, the local deputy and a former boyfriend. In Lucy’s room, Annie and Gabe discover two pictures and a page torn from a book dating back to 1698; in them, the figure of Eldridge Peck appears; a man executed for being a witch.

Meanwhile, Annie has discovered a link between the Peck family and her husband Jack. Annie must race against time to save herself and her unborn child from the GLIMMER.





Development Hell
American United Entertainment
Northern United Film & Media
George Bessudo
Laura Ramsey
Amy Smart
Shawn Roberts
Desmond Harrington





  • Aside from its announcement several years ago not much else was known about the project. At this point it seems that it never left the pre-production phase. (6/5/14)
  • May be presented in 3D.



A UHM staff member has not reviewed this film.


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