
Ed Harris plays the captain of a Cold War Soviet missile submarine who has secretly been suffering from seizures that alter his perception of reality. Forced to leave his wife and daughter, he is rushed into a classified mission, where he is haunted by his past and challenged by a rogue KGB group (led by David Duchovny) bent on seizing control of the ship's nuclear missile. With the fate of humanity in his hands, Harris discovers he has been chosen for this mission in the belief he would fail. Phantom is a suspense submarine thriller about extraordinary men facing impossible choices.

Now On DVD
Ed Harris plays the captain of a Cold War Soviet missile submarine who has secretly been suffering from seizures that alter his perception of reality. Forced to leave his wife and daughter, he is rushed into a classified mission, where he is haunted by his past and challenged by a rogue KGB group (led by David Duchovny) bent on seizing control of the ship's nuclear missile. With the fate of humanity in his hands, Harris discovers he has been chosen for this mission in the belief he would fail. Phantom is a suspense submarine thriller about extraordinary men facing impossible choices.


March 1, 2013
June 25, 2013 (DVD)
Now On DVD
Julian Adams
John Watson
Official Site
Todd Robinson
Todd Robinson
Ed Harris
David Duchovny
William Fichtner
Lance Henriksen
Johnathon Schaech
Jason Beghe
Sean Patrick Flanery
Jason Gray-Stanford
Julian Adams

  • Alternate synopsis: When the captain of a Soviet nuclear submarine is forced to leave his pregnant wife and rushed into a secret mission, he finds himself haunted by the ghosts of his past and challenged by a rogue KGB group which seized his vessel. Faced with an impossible choice that could mean either the destruction of his country and family or trigger the third world war, he finds himself with the fate of humanity is in his hands.
  • At one point Andy Garcia was going to star opposite Ed Harris.
  • Budgeted at an estimated $18-million.
  • No relation to the 2002 supernatural submarine flick Below.
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