Bloody Birthday (1981)


I actually sort of enjoyed this film. I think any movie with kids being killers really can't go that wrong. It can't be considered a Children of the Corn rip-off either, because it came out before Corn did. The plot for the movie was nothing too original and I found that it had a lot of plot-holes, but that didn't bother me too much. There's no real explanation as to why the three kids go about killing people around their 10th birthday, but it is explained that due to being born around an eclipse that they have no conscience to tell them what they're doing is wrong.

There's no gore or scares in the movie, but I found it entertaining to watch the kids kill off their teacher and anyone else that got in their way. I thought some of the music was really annoying in certain scenes. That really turned me off when I was watching it. Music sets the tone for a movie and without good music the movie just kind of falls apart. Oh well. The death scenes were good, because it wasn't like they kids went about stabbing people. They used assorted ways of doing things. I liked that. I gave the movie a 6-rating because it wasn't a bad film, but thanks to the whack plot-holes and acting it made it somewhat suck. So, I'd say that the movie is a little better than average.

I think if you're into those 80s horror slashers you should check this one because it's not your regular horror film to come out from that decade. The killer kids really made it fun. At least to me they did. The ending was very predictable. I'm surprised there isn't a sequel.

Not that bad of a film. Has interesting death scenes and three killer kids. Can't really go too wrong with that. Check this film out if you get a chance.
Not that bad of a film. Has interesting death scenes and three killer kids. Can't really go too wrong with that. Check this film out if you get a chance.

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