The Dead Next Door (1989)


When I first saw this movie I went in without knowing much about it. It started off pretty cool with the zombies taking over small towns, and then expanding all the way to the Whitehouse. It had a cool concept, but I thought the plot started to get a little silly. The movie failed to show much background and didn’t make the viewer feel for the characters. After about 5 years of dealing with zombies, we learn that there is a zombie squad -- a group of soldiers that go from one place to another hunting down zombies and saving people. What I found funny was the fact that there were protestors in the movie who wanted to save the zombies and not kill them off. Eventually the zombies attack them and the squad has to fend them off; Ironic and funny.

The movie started out focusing on the zombies taking over and the squad itself, but then it goes towards this weird cult and them holding zombies in cages; just kind of falls apart there. On a more positive note, the movie is pretty low-budget, but it had a lot of nice gore, which is always a plus. There's no nudity and no scares. The movie was just made for entertainment. It was fun to spot some of the character names used, because they were names that of icons in the horror industry. One guy was named Raimi, and another was Romero and Savini; Very cool. I would have given the movie a lower-rating, but I thought the movie had a cool concept and nice gore. The zombies in the movie were somewhat cool looking, as well.

A low-budget zombie movie that came out of the 80s; had an interesting concept, but it all falls apart rather fast. A few zombies looked cool and there was some nice gore, but that's about it.
A low-budget zombie movie that came out of the 80s; had an interesting concept, but it all falls apart rather fast. A few zombies looked cool and there was some nice gore, but that's about it.

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