The Rezort (2015)


If you take Jurassic Park and replace the dinosaurs with zombies you get The Rezort, the latest film from UK director Steve Barker (Outpost). The movie takes place several years after a viral outbreak where the government has taken care of all the zombies and society has rebuilt and moved on. Except for a small island resort where anyone with a little money can visit and take out their aggression on some undead targets. Despite the island being heavily secured, an event occurs that causes the system to go down, freeing the dead who naturally go after the island's staff and visitors. We follow a small band of survivors as they try to make their way to safety.

The flick is pretty ambitious for a low-budget feature, but the filmmakers surprisingly pulled it off well and the production values seemed much higher than they actually were. It's an interesting concept and honestly without it the movie would've just been another typical zombie pic, especially since the zombies themselves didn't offer any new or interesting characteristics: you've got your classic "shamblers" (who are also experts at sneaking up on people) and of course the more terrifying sprinter zombies that like to run and lunge at their unsuspecting victims. There's even a slightly more intelligent zombie that appeared a couple times, proving that there's not much consistency here, but I suppose I can ignore that, because.. ZOMBIES!!

After a little downtime in the early bits the movie picks up and stays a fairly steady pace, but unfortunately the survivors we follow are mostly annoying, with the exception of a character named "Archer" who clearly knows his way around a rifle. Naturally the heroine is the most established character (and the only person with a decent back story), so we're supposed to root for her, but she's honestly so uninteresting and weak that I had a hard time feeling for her. Especially since she was pretty useless through a majority of the movie and relied simply on everyone else around her.

The gore is also pretty lacking for a zombie flick, but while that's a bit disappointing and the characters irritating, the somewhat layered story made up for things and it even offered some interesting social commentary that we don't see much in the genre anymore, which is a nice change of pace.

The film has some unlikable characters and the zombies are pretty standard, but the story is interesting enough (and even offers some social commentary) to make up for some of the movie's shortcomings. It's ultimately a decent watch, especially if you're a zombie fan and you go in with low expectations.
The film has some unlikable characters and the zombies are pretty standard, but the story is interesting enough (and even offers some social commentary) to make up for some of the movie's shortcomings. It's ultimately a decent watch, especially if you're a zombie fan and you go in with low expectations.

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