Fellow Horror Fans:

Well, I did it.

I finally finished my first feature-length horror film, the Gothic western Shroud. The film revolves around a 300-year old Indian legend of a depraved soldier in the service of Coronado who, convicted for murdering and eating Apache children, is condemned and hanged by the Conquistador on a cursed tree.

The film explores the medieval legend of the revenant, and follows Lady Victoria Celestine, a Dutch wife in search of her missing husband, an occultist sent to the Arizona Territory (Civil War America) in to confirm or deny the existence of the mythical monster.

Accompanying Lady Celestine is her younger brother Abraham, a boy who will learn the mystery and the might of the undead -- knowledge he will eventually call upon thirty-five years later to do battle with a famous Transylvanian count.

If you want a sneak peek, feel free to visit and, I don’t know, tell me what you think. Just search for "Shroud HD" on YouTube and click "watch in HD."

The horror side of it is a major revelation in the story.

I am writing a sequel as well, so I am definitely trying to bring a little horror into everyone’s lives. This is the copy for the support site:

It is a lost place where old unspeakable things still happen, far beyond the light of law. Where darkness asks the only question we are afraid to answer: What Is Shroud?

Like a terrible nursery rhyme, Shroud hides between all that we hope and all that we abhor.

It is a dead place where a dead thing reigns with brute hunger. Masquerading in its former life, it craves only the most helpless of innocent victims – children.

Though it feeds by itself it is not alone. On every continent its kind has been found: variations and versions of Hell’s most imaginative fiends. Avatars of sins even Death cannot kill, predators of the living. Lurking in shadows, resting in grave dirt, adorned in seducing shapes that men of reason cannot see through, they walk their former Earth with a sole motivation – the hubris of insatiable appetite.

They skulk among human nations, invincible in their realms, eluding analysis, far beyond the reach of dull materialism, unconquered by Man’s frail new god: science.

But they are known to an enlightened few: scholars, sages, soldiers and seekers of secrets.

Comments welcome.


A horror fan.