Enjoyed the first film. Low budget and nothing special, but somehow better than the sequel. The second one had some decent acting, and the portrayal of soldiers was more realistic than some films I've seen. To a point. Sometimes it was just frustrating. Long distance covering fire with a shotgun? Fellow soldier is wounded, so you leave your one sniper rifle and two backpacks of supplies behind?
Other sequences didn't also didn't make sense. They have a limited amount of time to reach the coast, and yet they stop to bury one of their dead. And without warning, with no heads up, swarms of SLOW moving zombies would just appear. Directly behind them in one scene.
A weird sub plot was touched upon, where they encounter a band of maniacal raping bandits (who kill the only live woman they've had in a while instead of keeping her around?) that have some sort of history with the female civilian accompanying the group. Very disjointed, and never fully explained.
I was disappointed in this film. I'd watch the first one again, but I think one viewing of the second was enough.