Strange Darling

A relentless predator tracks an injured woman through the Oregon wilderness. The woman does her best to outsmart her attacker, but with each tense moment she grows weaker and less able. He’s a man on a mission, and it’s only a matter of time before he captures his prey.

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Willa Fitzgerald
Kyle Gallner
Barbara Hershey
Ed Begley Jr.
Willa Fitzgerald
Kyle Gallner
Barbara Hershey
Ed Begley Jr.

Awaiting Release
August 23, 2024 (Theaters)





Magenta Light distributes in the US.

Filmed in Portland, OR.

Director JT Mollner was quoted saying: "This film was a sort of dream (or nightmare) that I was compelled to bring to life. So much about it – the colors, the music, the overall visual aesthetic, and the characters were all so clear before we even shot anything. I really just wanted it to be one hell of a ride. We knew we would live or die with casting and it turns out, the performances are the pillars of this movie."

Written/directed by JT Mollner (Outlaws and Angels).

Described as "one day in the twisted love life of a serial killer."

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