The Accursed

Follows a young woman who is forced to return home following the death of her mother. Consumed by guilt and desperate to escape the haunting visions playing out in her head, she takes a temporary caregiver position for a comatose old lady living alone in the woods. It does not take long before she realizes that not all is as it seems and that the old lady harbors a demonic secret; an evil secret that the old lady’s daughter is intent on passing on.

Sarah Grey
Sherman Augustus
Sarah Grey
Sherman Augustus
Mena Suvari
Alexis Knapp
Meg Foster
Sarah Dumont
Mena Suvari
Alexis Knapp
Meg Foster
Sarah Dumont

On Demand
October 14, 2022 (VOD)






Screen Media distributes in the US and was quoted saying: "Hot off the success of Willy’s Wonderland, Screen Media is thrilled to work with director Kevin Lewis on another highly original horror film. The Accursed is a haunting, twist-filled story that we can’t wait to share with our audiences."

Directed by Kevin Lewis (Willy's Wonderland).

Described as "classic horror storytelling at its very finest."

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