The Curse of La Patasola

On a weekend camping trip, two struggling couples encounter a vampiric monster from Amazonian folklore, testing their relationships, their courage, and their will to survive.

Patrick R. Walker
Najah Bradley
Luciana Faulhaber
AJ Jones
Patrick R. Walker
Najah Bradley
Luciana Faulhaber
AJ Jones

On Demand
January 14, 2022 (VOD)





Vertical Entertainment distributes in the US.

Tony Piantedosi, SVP of Acquisitions at Vertical Entertainment was quoted saying: "The Curse of La Patasola is a character-driven thriller that we feel is going to appeal to a wide audience. We were drawn to the story, mythology and the way the monster was brought to life—and think fans are really going to enjoy this film."

Reportedly shot over a 21-day period in a COVID-free ‘bubble’ just outside of Orlando, Florida.

The feature film directorial debut of actor-turned-director AJ Jones.

The film is based on "The Patasola," which is from South American folklore that details a monster that takes the form "of a beautiful and seductive woman, often in the likeness of a loved one, who lures a man away from his companions deep into the jungle. There, the Patasola reveals her true, hideous appearance as a one-legged creature with ferocious vampire-like lust for human flesh and blood, attacking and devouring the flesh or sucking the blood of her victims." You can read more about it here.

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