Suicide Forest Village

A group of friends unleash a curse after stumbling upon a mysterious box. To break the curse, they venture deep within Jukai Forest. It’s said that the land holds a grudge where once you enter, you can never come out.

On Demand
March 1, 2022 (VOD)




Cinedigm distributes in the US. Brandon Hill, Manager of Acquisitions at Cinedigm was quoted saying: "Takashi Shimizu is a visionary director who helped bring Japanese horror films into the cultural consciousness. For the past two decades he’s been terrorizing audiences across the globe with his haunting style. Suicide Forest Village is a terrifically terrifying film, and we look forward to sharing it with audiences everywhere."

Takashi Shimizu co-wrote the film with Daisuke Hosaka, who previously worked together on Howling Village and The Shock Labyrinth 3D.

Directed by Takashi Shimizu, who is best known as the creator of The Grudge series.

Based on the legend of the real "suicide forest" in Japan that's reportedly home to ghosts and has been location to several suicides throughout the years. You can read more about it here.

This is a Japanese horror movie.

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