Viking Wolf

Thale (17) has just moved with her family to the small town of Nybo because her mother has a new job in the local police. At a beach party with local youths, a student is brutally killed, and Thale is a key witness in the case. Who or what is behind the murder? There are many indications that it might be an animal, perhaps a wolf. During the investigation, Thale’s mother – investigation leader Liv Berg – discovers that they are facing something quite different and unknown. At the same time, Thale begins to see and behave strangely. What happens in Nybo at the next full moon?

On Netflix
February 3, 2023 (Netflix)




Netflix will debut the movie via their streaming service in the US.

Filmed in Notodden, Norway.

Described as a "classic werewolf film in a completely new wrapping."

This is a Norwegian werewolf movie.

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