Arena Wars (2024)



Madsen and Roberts and Wells…oh my! Arena Wars sucked me in right away with this phenomenal cast (let’s not forget the colorful Sheri Davis, Robert LaSardo, Kevin Hager, Robert Donavan and BJ Mezek!) and the immediate action-packed opening, set in “The Big Fucking City, 2045”. This is going to be another wild ride from the masterminds of the Mahal brothers. Yes!

Director Brandon Slagle (Breakout, Attack of the Unknown, Frost, The Flood) brings his affinity for pushing a brutally uncomfortable situation and twisting it slightly to make you cringe past the boundary of relief. It’s another slice of delightfulness to be tossed instantly into a ring of uncertain fear alongside unknown characters battling for survival to the point that you consciously root for their triumph. However, what if THEY are the enemy who deserve a painful and publicly witnessed death for being “scum of the earth”?

Arena Wars is a futuristic account of mankind’s penchant for a front row seat to ultra-violence for entertainment’s value and to, well…unwind after a long day in the office. Sick, huh? Wait…it gets better.

The prisoners chosen for the arena are convicted for extremely heinous crimes ranging from multiple murderers to serial rapists…you name it. They are fearless and unconscionable in their actions, however if they survive the arena…they are free. Simple plot: Fight or Die.

We are pleasantly introduced to the stoic and reserved Luke Bender (the gallant Wells) a rough and angry ex-marine who apparently is an innocent man. In order for the greedy corporate arm running these live programmed events to boost ratings, bureaucracy dictates his recruitment in order to give the bored audience a hero to applaud. If Bender and a group of his ruthless imprisoned peers can take out 7 vicious fighters in 7 arenas, they are rewarded with freedom. Although hesitant, Bender’s life has revolved around keeping his fiancé and her father (a genial Roberts) safe from the real crime committed which put Bender behind bars for life. If he can fight his way back to them, it’s worth the misery.

Since my journey into the Mahal Empire films began, I know to expect at least one twist, many grotesquely gory scenes and some comic relief along the way. Arena Wars doesn’t disappoint - especially during the fantastically funny processing center trek with the best antics lead by Johnny Huang’s Kahn (as in Genghis. Haha!) His hilarious moments lighten the mood which has become strange and ominous during this motley crew’s method of unity to defeat the synthetically doped up human robots. Paired against the hilarious spectator commentary alongside eccentric announcer Samson (sharp tongued Madsen) and Arena Wars is just a pure guilty pleasure that you want to watch.

After eagerly waiting for its release, my patience was well-rewarded. The intensity of Arena Wars absorbs you instantaneously with a fierce match between the industrialized steam-punk human machines against one lone orange clad inmate who claims his victory. Just a little too early, as the viewers burst into a standing ovation for their nightly dose of horrific mania. Ironic, no? The ruthless murderers can only claim their autonomy by killing their way out of the arenas. So, who is the REAL ‘scum of the earth’ in this scenario? Just have your adrenaline pen set aside as Arena Wars has come prepared to hype up the energy and serve up the blood on a pretty silver platter laced with societal hypocrisy. More kudos to my favorite eye candy, John Wells, who perfects the pain ridden soldier Luke Bender to a tee. Nicely done!

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