Midnight Peepshow (2022)


As many know, I am not hyped up by horror anthologies, so I approached Midnight Peepshow without much hope for a decent plot, let alone enough violence to keep me entertained. However, a pleasant surprise came about during story #2: “Fuck, Marry, Kill”. Yes, in full on “Saw” mode, we are treated to a room of 4 men locked to their chairs while a young woman whom they all know, must decide who to fuck, who to marry and (duh)…who to kill. Each round proves to be more uncomfortable and skeevier than the previous with unavoidable consequences. But before I jump ahead, let’s begin at…the beginning.

Graham is a middle-aged, wealthy investor who is going through a distraught time due to the dissolution of his marriage to a beautiful woman. Apparently, after he stumbles into a fantasy club/peepshow run by a mysterious madame, the female workers begin to share their own tales of woe and depravity for which succumbing to a dark web site called Black Rabbit has taken them captive through menacing yet self-rewarding situations. As each of these desires play out more sinister than the last, Graham is starting to fit the pieces together and tie in these twisted sexual experiences back to his wife.

While some of the narratives are rampant with extreme sexual degradation, none are matched to what Graham’s wife encounters through her journey (or descend) down the rabbit hole. Yes, there are tons of Alice references, though I’m sure Disney never intended for those beloved characters to endure a grotesque scene straight out of the book of A Serbian Film. Egads!

Midnight Peepshow is a stylized horror mystery through erotic deviance in a very alarming manner. Why these followers submerge themselves, their bodies, and their minds to an unknown source of dangerous results, goes unanswered. However, we delight in the seclusion of tailored inhibitions for each woman’s sordid curiosity. But the most disappointing puzzle piece in this warped world is the role of Zach Galligan. No, he’s not the Black Rabbit. He’s not even Graham. And you won’t recognize him because, well…he is merely an ominous (and forgettable) voice that doesn’t leave an impression. Poor Zach. First Gizmo, now this.

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