On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors (2022)



In the lush hills and canyons of San Luis Valley, CO, there has been an eerie blanket of unknown spiraling lights, noise, and night visitors from beyond our planet. On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors is a documentary featuring Shannon Legro as the film’s host who follows the strange phenomenons that continue to plague this region of America.

Going into this documentary, I expected to learn more about alien abductions and government cover ups. However, the focus of this film fell upon cattle mutilations and the investigators who have been researching this strangeness for decades.

The first documented unexplained animal maiming in this area, was in the 1960’s by way of a beautiful horse named Lady (affectionately known as ‘Snippy’). Snippy went missing for 2 days before being discovered in a nearby radioactive field by ranchers who were startled to find her entire neck tissue and meat completely excised from the bone. The entire shank was exposed – no hide, no flesh. Snippy’s organs were removed, as well as her brain. They also discovered a strange substance that coated a nearby bush – it burned their hands upon touch which was later defaulted as radioactive waste from the land as well as Snippy’s remains. It’s important to mention that the exposed bones were so brightly white, that the examiners assumed she had been missing for 20+ years!

All residents and families within the vicinity of Snippy’s discovery began to attribute her death to alien UFO’s.

While listening to further details about additional cattle mutilations that are all similar in specifics (missing organs, blood appears to be drained, hide/skin/wool removed from parts of the animals, pale meat, etc.), I patiently waited for shocking alien abduction stories which never came. Disappointing.

Those witnesses that did speak about their encounters were also comparable to each other by way of being blinded by extremely bright lights, commotion, and even whispers about ‘returning for you’ – nothing that seemed to have long-term traumatic effects from what I observed. Even in the aftermath of being temporarily paralyzed during these occurrences hadn’t waivered anyone’s desire to escape this region of scary phenomenons.

There was a majority of interviewees that shared their own experiences through mysterious sightings, strange voices, power outages and collective other ‘rumors’ which still did not deter their fear of their surroundings. If anything, it prompted them to look deeper for answers regarding these inexplicable events.

The Colorado valleys have been centered around an enormous amount of military presence, which has prompted countless ranchers to report upon menacing black helicopters appearances alongside various orbs of light that skip around the night sky. Coincidence or government control? The correlation has yet to be determined even with the assistance of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). But the entire narrative did leave me feeling…well…exhausted. Mostly due to the fact that this 80 min documentary could have been a 30 min short of interviews, some show-and-tell chronicles and testimonials rather than a drawn out false epiphany that has no resolution. Not very impressive.

I love a good documentary, especially when it’s overflowing with perplexity of the unknown. The bewilderment of cattle mutilations stemming all the way back to the 17th century is an eccentric world of study, however I was just looking for…more. Movies such as Fire in the Sky, The Fourth Kind and Communion were superior inside scopes into reported firsthand encounters into the next dimension. My hope for more off-planet descriptions waned as I watched less and less ‘crazy’ commentary and sunk into sheer boredom. Excellent cinematography of the beautiful landscapes prompted me to go up by 1 point. Aside from that fact, this was a bland compilation of cow dissections that didn’t manage to spark any new hypothesis to ponder.

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