Battle of the Damned

On the outskirts of civilization, a remote test facility lays ruin following a catastrophic security breach. All that remains is a handful of survivors, their small armory of weapons, and a fleet of the infected. The breach lead to a viral outbreak that left hundreds dead or mutated. Now the infected walk the land, stalking the few that stayed alive. Led by private military operative Max Gatling, our heroes have learned to fight against the infected, in hopes that rescue will soon come from the outside world. What they weren’t expecting, though, was the emergence of another deadly threat. The breach also gave way to the escape of a band of malfunctioning prototype robots. Armed and incredibly dangerous, the robots could either be an indomitable force... or an unexpected ally in their battle against the infected masses.

Now On DVD
On the outskirts of civilization, a remote test facility lays ruin following a catastrophic security breach. All that remains is a handful of survivors, their small armory of weapons, and a fleet of the infected. The breach lead to a viral outbreak that left hundreds dead or mutated. Now the infected walk the land, stalking the few that stayed alive. Led by private military operative Max Gatling, our heroes have learned to fight against the infected, in hopes that rescue will soon come from the outside world. What they weren’t expecting, though, was the emergence of another deadly threat. The breach also gave way to the escape of a band of malfunctioning prototype robots. Armed and incredibly dangerous, the robots could either be an indomitable force... or an unexpected ally in their battle against the infected masses.

Fantasy | Zombies

February 18, 2014 (DVD)
Now On DVD
Vividthree Productions
Compound B
Boku Films
R "violence throughout and language."
Christopher Hatton
Christopher Hatton
Dolph Lundgren
Melanie Zanetti
Matt Doran
David Field

  • Anchor Bay Films will distribute in the US.
  • Written/directed by Christopher Hatton (Robotropolis).
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