Tell Me How I Die (2016)


Tell Me How I Die is a little indie film that offers some similarities to Final Destination--where the protagonist has visions of the deaths of their peers--but next to that it stands on its own, which is unfortunately just a slasher with the precognitive aspect being more of a gimmick than anything. The story focuses on a group of young adults in need of some extra cash, so they join a clinical drug trial for an experimental new memory loss treatment. And as part of their agreement they're forced to remain under close watch in the test facility.

The drug expectantly comes with certain side effects, but no one anticipated being able to see into the future (nice side effect!). Though it would've proven more useful if a pesky killer wasn't lurking around and picking everyone off. Making matters worse is the fact that this mysterious killer also seems to be able to predict their movements, leading them to believe that he too can see the future.

I wanted to like this movie, because it had some decent production values and offered some fairly interesting ideas--like having more than one person see the future--but while the filmmakers played around with that concept, it wasn't explored or utilized as much as it could've been. For instance, they establish that things may not be what they seem (was is it a vision or is it real?), but that concept is quickly dropped once people start dying. The focus then shifts on the heroine seeing everyone's death and trying to prevent them from happening. The killer also sees the future, which adds an interesting layer to the story, but that's accompanied by a lot of questions and plot holes.

There's also very little character development outside of the female lead (and even that is barely existent), which specifically proves to be an issue later with a male lead's illogical decision making. And being a slasher you'd hope to see some decent kills, but apparently the filmmakers didn't get that memo, because they're all mostly dull and off screen. Negatives aside, it honestly could've been a lot worse, as it offered some interesting ideas and kept my interest.

The concept behind Tell Me How I Die was much better than the film itself, as it offered some neat ideas, but was ultimately bogged down by a bad script, hollow characters, and unimaginative deaths. Regardless, it's fairly entertaining (at times) and might prove an okay watch for a boring night, assuming you can get passed all the plot holes.
The concept behind Tell Me How I Die was much better than the film itself, as it offered some neat ideas, but was ultimately bogged down by a bad script, hollow characters, and unimaginative deaths. Regardless, it's fairly entertaining (at times) and might prove an okay watch for a boring night, assuming you can get passed all the plot holes.

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