
In Chile an American tourist’s vacation goes from good to great when he meets some beautiful women travelers. But when an earthquake ravages the underground nightclub they are in, a fun night quickly turns to terror. Escaping to the surface is just the beginning as they face the nightmarish chaos above ground.

Now On DVD
In Chile an American tourist’s vacation goes from good to great when he meets some beautiful women travelers. But when an earthquake ravages the underground nightclub they are in, a fun night quickly turns to terror. Escaping to the surface is just the beginning as they face the nightmarish chaos above ground.


May 10, 2013 (Limited)
August 6, 2013 (DVD)
Now On DVD
Cross Creek
R "strong bloody violence including rape, language, drug content and some nudity."
Nicolás López
Nicolás López
Eli Roth
Guillermo Amoedo
Eli Roth
Selena Gomez
Ariel Levy
Nicolas Martinez
Lorenza Izzo
Natasha Yarovenko
Andrea Osvart
Miguel Asensio

  • Filmed in Chile.
  • Alternate synopsis: In the middle of a night of wild partying, a hapless American tourist and his friends are suddenly plunged into a living hell when a powerful earthquake rips through the coastal town of Valparaiso, Chile.
  • It's said that the earthquake causes a local Asylum to open up, releasing the deadly patients.
  • Eli Roth was quoted saying: "I’ve been a huge fan of Nicolas Lopez since his remarkable debut Promedio Rojo and have watched him grow into one of the best young filmmakers out there. He has the incredible combination of commercial sensibility with an artistic eye, and what he has done here in Chile with their film industry is revolutionary. This collaboration marks the beginning of what we call Chilewood, making genre films for the global market using all the resources Chile has to offer. We are making a smart elevated disaster genre movie with superb production value, something really big. The film’s going to be very scary, very intense, and very real."
  • Singer Selena Gomez is said to have a cameo appearance.
  • Eli Roth co-writes, produces, and stars.
  • This marks the English-language debut of director Nicolás López.
  • The film is partially inspired by Nicolás López's experience during the real earthquake that devastated Chile in 2010.
  • No relation to the 2010 Chinese disaster drama with the same name.
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